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Why people should keep only one signed will

On Behalf of | Jun 17, 2019 | Will |

When people in South Carolina make a will, they may know just how important it is to keep a signed copy of this key estate document safe and secure. People make wills to determine how their assets will be distributed after they pass away. By planning for the future, they can specify the use of their property without relying on the state law standards. Estate planning is especially important for wealthy people, but it can help people of any means. Family members will find that dividing assets is an easier process if a clear, legal will is available, and they will generally spend less time and money in probate court.

However, because people know that their will should be accessible and available in the event of their death, some may be tempted to keep or distribute several signed copies. People may want to pass copies to their children or to trusted advisors. However, many estate planning lawyers advise against this practice. After all, a will can be edited and changed by the creator as long as he or she is competent. This means that people may wind up with several different versions of their will floating around and even being entered into probate court.

People can take other actions to help ensure that their will is not lost and is available when needed. They can provide clear information to their children and trusted loved ones about the location of the will. In addition, their lawyer can retain a scanned copy of the document that can usually be submitted electronically to begin the probate process.

People thinking about the future can help their family members even after they pass away by making out a will. An estate planning attorney may provide advice and guidance on developing wills, trusts and other documents to help people achieve their goals.