Month: March 2022
Should you disinherit someone with a minimal inheritance?
If you’re interested in disinheriting someone, you may read that there are a few different ways to do it. One solution that people sometimes offer is to leave someone a minimal inheritance. For instance, rather than cutting someone out of your will entirely, you could...
Why a springing power of attorney is important
A power of attorney is a legal document that allows you to give someone else the authority to make decisions on your behalf. For instance, a financial power of attorney could allow them to access your bank account or pay your bills. A medical power of attorney could...
2 life events that could necessitate an update to your estate plan
Life can end at any time, which is why it is so crucial to have an estate plan in place. Life is also full of changes and some of those changes are so significant that they could necessitate you making a change to your estate plan. Here are some of those life events...
How can a living trust benefit seniors?
Imagine a future where your hard-earned assets remain secure, and your loved ones feel protected even after you're gone. For seniors in South Carolina, living trusts offer a powerful way to realize this vision. These legal tools help you avoid the lengthy probate...
How to plan an estate with Alzheimer’s or dementia
There’s a lot to think about when you engage in the estate planning process. Chief amongst them is simply how to divide your assets upon passing. Yet, there are several other important considerations, including your mental capacity. After all, if you’re found to have...
How do you update your will?
There’s a saying that “the only constant in life is change,” and most people find this to be true. As your life changes and your relationships evolve, you may find that your estate plan also needs to evolve. Unfortunately, just about the only thing that can create...
Estate planning and your family home: What to know
There are several different ways married couples can be listed on the title of a home. How you and your spouse are listed can have a significant impact on your estate plans. More than likely, you and your spouse either have a joint tenancy or a tenancy in common on...
Most people aren’t prepared for incapacitation: Are you?
How well prepared are you for incapacitation? It is a pertinent yet uncomfortable topic among many, which is perhaps why a good number of people do not have such plans. Life’s unexpected turns, whether due to a sudden illness, an accident or even aging, can lead to...
3 reasons to discuss your estate plan
If you are making your estate plan, you may be wondering if you should talk to others about it or keep things to yourself. Here are a few reasons why talking to select individuals about it may be useful 1. To reassure your loved ones When you die, or fall seriously...
What are revocable trusts?
People who are creating an estate plan have to consider the various mechanisms available to get their assets to their loved ones after their death. Some people may be able to do this through a will, but others opt to use trusts. One type of trust that you may come...